Giving Diamonds a New Life
Marigold Design Studio AdminContrary to popular belief, diamonds are not formed from coal, in fact, most diamonds are older then the very first plants on earth. Scientist believe that diamonds formed in the mantle under extreme pressures and temperatures of over 1050 degrees! Once formed, volcanic eruptions move the diamonds from the mantle to the crust of the earth where they are mined. They come out the ground looking something like this:
Not quite ready to be set in an engagement ring, diamonds first need to be cut. Techniques and priorities in cutting diamonds has changed over the years and we sometimes come across diamonds in need of a makeover…
These two diamonds were purchased by Marigold’s under our recycling program, they are off to get a re cut and certified by the GIA. Remember to keep checking out our website, we’ll be putting these two up as soon as they get back!